At the same time, factors used to determine the electricity leakage fire of the wires with metal corrugated pipe have been discussed. 同时,就穿有金属波纹管电气线路漏电火灾成因的判定要素作了探讨。
Construction Technology of Socket HDPE Double-wall Corrugated Pipe 承插式HDPE双壁波纹管施工技术
Research on Axial Tension Failure of Twin Jewels Corrugated Pipe Water Filter 双壁波纹管滤水器轴向拉力破坏试验研究
Smooth on inside PVC double wall corrugated pipe PVC内光外波纹双壁管
Combined with the construction practice of Fanwu Highway, the paper introduced the construction technology and technical requirements of steel corrugated pipe culvert. 结合繁五线施工实际对钢波纹管涵的施工工艺和技术要求进行了探讨。
A corrugated pipe and a push-button switch are used for detecting the vacuum degree in the box and for switching off or switching on a vacuum system. 波纹管和按钮开关用以检测箱内的真空度、关断或启动真空系统运作。
To sum up, the mechanical service life of the corrugated pipe provided by the utility model is greatly prolonged. 综上,本实用新型波纹管的机械寿命得到了大幅度的提高。
The expansion joint comprises a corrugated pipe, the cross section of which is rectangular. 本实用新型包括波纹管,所述的波纹管的横截面为矩形。
The corrugated pipe has the advantages of uneasy leakage, good security and high strength. 本实用新型不易泄漏安全性好、强度高。
Introduced the test metal corrugated pipe, the diaphragm, the bellows, the reflect scope, the reflector, the caper diaphragm, the isoelastic part and characteristic parameter. 介绍了测试金属波纹管、膜片、膜盒、跳跃膜片等弹性元件特性参数的测试仪。
This is a manufacturer specializing in manufacturing machines of producing soft metal pipe, corrugated pipe and stainless steel pipe. 江苏?姜堰通用焊接机械设备厂是一家生产金属软管、波纹管及不锈钢设备的专业厂家。
The module of extruding line is made of super quality steel, the module connection is set in the closed machine cavity, the inner and outer surface of corrugated pipe is even and smooth. 机组成型模块采用优质钢材,模块链接在整体闭合的机座内,通过相应的模具一次成型内外光滑,波纹均匀的波纹管产品。
Plastic corrugated pipe with double thin wall 双层薄壁塑料波纹管
Application of Double-wall Corrugated Pipe in Drainage Works 双壁波纹管在排水工程中的应用
A research on tests of PVC plastic corrugated pipe used in prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土用PVC塑料波纹管试验研究
The Construction Technology and Technical Requirements of Steel Corrugated Pipe Culvert 钢波纹管涵施工工艺及技术要求
This thesis points out the structure principal and project ideas of the production quality control system of PVC-U double-wall corrugated pipe, which is based on computer technology. 并提出了基于计算机技术的PVC-U双壁波纹管生产质量控制系统的构建原理和设计思路。
This thesis depicts the application of PVC-U double-wall corrugated pipe production quality control system in actual production, which indicates that the system has the capacity to seek and analyze the potential disqualification in production process so that it has greatly improved the production process and gained favorable effects. 本文描述了PVC-U双壁波纹管生产质量控制系统在实际生产中的应用,表明该系统能够有效地查找和分析出生产过程中的潜在不合格,可以改善生产过程质量,获得良好的质量控制效果。
Development and design of corrugated pipe steam-water heat exchanger 波纹管壳式汽-水换热器的开发与设计
Grouting with Corrugated Pipe and Durability of Prestressed Concrete Element 波纹管灌浆与预应力混凝土构件的耐久性
This sewage pipeline uses HDPE double-wall corrugated pipe, sandy gravel stratum foundation and U-type rubber washer joint. 该污水管采用HDPE双壁波纹管,砂砾垫层基础,U型橡胶圈接口。
A lot of new methods and techniques, including special type formwork, re-bar quick connecting technique, My-box equipment, quaking concrete, tube drawing grouting, all-position automatic welding, huge expansion joint and once-hydroformed corrugated pipe, etc were used during construction. 施工中应用了专用定型模板、钢筋快速连接技术、My-box设备、高流态混凝土、拔管法灌浆施工、全位置自动焊接、巨型伸缩节波纹管一次液压成型等多种新方法和新工艺。
Thin revolving shell is a kind of structure widely found in oil and gas storage and transportation equipment, such as storage tank and its elastic dome, flexible corrugated pipe and thin wall pipeline, etc. 薄壁旋转壳是一类在油气储运设备中广泛出现的结构,如储罐及其弹性罐顶、柔性波纹管和薄壁管道等。
Tube bundle-supporting structure of the corrugated pipe heat exchanger 波纹管换热器管束支撑结构
Study on HDPE speciality resin for twin-wall corrugated pipe with large diameter 大口径HDPE双壁波纹管专用树脂的性能研究
The wall thickness of metal corrugated pipe is very thin, that is the weakest link in the piping system. 金属波纹管的壁厚很薄,它是管道系统中的薄弱环节。
Based on the investigation and analysis of the corrugated pipe compensator crack leakage accidents of directly buried heat supply pipeline in power plants, the causes of the accidents are found out and some practical solutions to stress corrosion problems are presented. 通过对热电厂直埋供热管道波纹管补偿器裂纹泄漏事故的调查分析,找出了问题所在,并提出了解决应力腐蚀问题可行的对策。
Performance and Application of HDPE Double-Wall Corrugated Pipe HDPE双壁波纹管的性能与应用
Anti-blocking control of corrugated pipe in highway bridge prefabrication 公路桥梁预制中的波纹管防堵控制